Performance Pass
Earning Performance Points is how you advance through Season 01’s 100 levels. You earn these simply by completing missions, alongside hefty bonuses paid out for completing Season Challenges.
Your current Season Challenges can be tracked and managed in the Season Terminal. You can at most have three active Challenges at a time, and you will get a new Challenge each day. Most of the Challenges will be completed alongside your regular work in the mines, but one of them requires handing in the hard-to-get Data Rack, which can be obtained by completing the new mission, Industrial Sabotage.
Furthermore, during missions, you may recover Data Cells for even further bonuses. Do so by chasing down a Rival Prospector Drone and destroying it - or find a rival Data Deposit, hack it, and recover the Data Cell inside.
New Mission
A number of mysterious prospecting facilities have recently been discovered on Hoxxes! The operations appear to be fully automated, and we do not yet know who is behind the incursion. The presence of a Rival Company on Hoxxes is unacceptable.
To complete this dangerous mission, you must locate the rival corporation’s towering Data Vaults, hack the connected Power Stations to take down the impenetrable Force Fields, and face off against the terrifying Caretaker and its minions before making off with the ultimate prize: The rival corp’s encrypted Data Rack!
Before Management lets you loose against our prospecting rivals, you need to prove yourself ready by completing the new assignment, SPEC OPS: SABOTAGE TRAINING. This assignment will be available for any miner that has completed the CONQUER HOXXES assignment. Furthermore, Management advises you to familiarize yourself with the mission details in the Miner’s Manual section before descending into the darkness.
To help with the fight against this new lethal threat, Management has approved four new Weapon Contracts - which of course includes a full slew of Gear Modifications to buy, and 26 brand new Overclocks to find and unlock. You can get licensed for all four in the usual manner at the Assignment Board, but given the highly advanced nature of these new weapons, you will need to have attained Level 20 for the respective class.
Take a standard, high-grade assault rifle, bolt a semi-sentient AI Core to the side of it, and rig it up with several sophisticated tracking packages. Arm the resulting abomination with prototype rounds that interface directly with the onboard systems, and you have the aptly named LOK-1 Smart Rifle - a glorious bit of kit any Engineer worth their salt would be happy carrying.
The DRAK-25 is among the newest additions to the DRG arsenal and is a bit of a technological marvel. Capable of laying down a blistering hail of superheated plasma without hardly ever blowing up in your hands, and comparatively cheap to manufacture! Management was quick to approve and sign off on this design.
The Corrosive Sludge Pump is what happens when the maintenance staff is left with too much time on their hands. A complicated network of piping, distillation bottles, and safety valves results in a very capable device indeed - lobbing globs of corrosive waste at those you disapprove of has never been so fun!
The Hurricane has quickly gotten a reputation for being a very crowd-pleasing weapon - unless we're talking about the crowd it is being aimed at. It stows a weapons package usually reserved for heavy-duty tripods into something a hearty dwarf can carry with ease and has even been upgraded with sophisticated tracking software.
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